Friday, December 23, 2011

Kiddos at Chry

In front of chry house gate. They were so excited to play in the front yard.

Temple visit

We all visited some of the local temples along with kiddos. They were excited to see the illumination, but Devu was scared of fireworks. Pic taken in front of Kavil temple. Bought a couple of balloons and left to see ammoomma.

Kiddos in the front seat

Kiddos travelling with me in the front seat....Car seat is unheard of in this part of the world.

Railway station

Visited Chry railway station after 8 yrs. Absolutely no changes, except for an electronic sign board.

At Karakkad

Ichu and Devu at Karakkad with their Valiyammachi.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Inevitable at Pulimoodu

Devu and Ishu doing the inevitable at Pulimoodu jn with the help of their ammoomma Sudha Aunty. TVM at 427pm... ;-)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Spanish Ketchup Song

Unni in his annual day Spanish song dress...Cute...

The Legends

Yes, they are...They are our great Ammavan and Ammayi. I still remember the days when they used to come for vacation to Kerala from Mumbai...We used to celebrate it as a festival season with so much fun and glamour. Pic taken today when I was visiting them. Ammayi gave a great treat....Yum...

Unni with Ammavan

Unni striking a pose with me on our way to Mulund.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Maid playing with iPad

A maid was appointed at Manjus place to take care of Unni and to prepare food. She normally comes late and the pic is she watching Manju working on her iPad, when she is supposed to cook food for us.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I cant believe I used this many paper cups to drink in a day, what a waste of trees. Sorry Earth....

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Unni & Karimeen

Amma prepared Karimeen exclusively for Unni and I took it to Mumbai by air. I had to checkin the bag to avoid security issues. Unni after eating the same. He loved it !!!!

My Angels

Pic with my Angels at TVM.