Open letter to Devutta and Ichippi...
This is an open letter from Acha to both of you to read when you get older, time enough to understand the real world...and if Acha is not there to tell you this , or if you ever get pissed off at Acha for taking certain decisions in your life that affected your life in terms of the places you live…
This will not be in any chronological order, it is written as thoughts starts flowing into Achas mind…..
Started writing this in Portland, OR, USA on 06May2011:
Life for Acha and Amma has come to a certain point where we have to take some decisions on where we should continue our lives - India or USA. The main reasons on considering a relocation to India:
- To start with it was difficult to take care of 2 babies at the same time, Yeah I know its not your fault or something you care, but we have to think of your well being and comforts - So we started shipping in Grandpa and Grandma back and forth, but they were hating it coming to US and getting stuck indoors with no social life…
- Acha had back issues, but Amma was the main person who was pulling our lives together with her extra support
- When Amma started developing severe disc related issues after the fall she had in India in Sep 2010, our main backbone was affected -- Devutta you wont remember that, she was holding you and going down the stairs outside the TVM home and she slipped and fell down, she held on you and saved you big time.. It was a scary fall and Acha stood there watching it…still feels the pain of it….
- Acha was not able to buy a house, as we were waiting on the Green card, yeah, you guys don’t care about that as you both are US citizens….
- Was stuck at the same job and place for a long time - 5.5 yrs, that was too much for Acha to take, but decided to stay put, till the Green Card comes in place
- No social life for Acha and Amma - actually that was our problem, we didn’t want to take you guys out too much and get exposed to too much germs..yep Acha was and is germophobic…
- We were always scared, whenever you guys get sick, even if it is a minor cold. Devutta scared the hell out of us with the Febrile seizure related to the first ear infection and we had to call ambulance in.. Then she cut her throat by jumping out of the bed with pencil in the mouth..
Inspite of all the above reasons, we decided to continue our lives here, as we knew it was only a matter of few years till the time you guys get to 4yrs… and we didn’t want to move you from your birth country without your consent…
But then to add to the mess, a big news came in --
Acha's company T-Mobile was being taken over by ATT, the announcement came in on March 20. This was a real concern as this would jeopardize all our plans.. As this will affect our base….
The risk of job less without Green Card was too much for Acha to take and hence decided to start looking at India as an option…
So if at all we moved back, those are the reasons….
8/2/2013 - Dallas
Kiddos, we moved to India, Acha couldn't take that job and place for more than 6 months and we all came back into Dallas in 2012. Now we are in Dallas for the past one year.....
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